Allan Quartermain (Zac Aimson)

In Africa, you are a legendary hunter and explorer, though your success is more from meticulous care and thoroughness than derring-do. Native Africans refer to you as Macumazahn, meaning "Watcher-by-Night," or more loosely, “He-Who-Keeps-His-Eyes-Open”, a reference to your nocturnal habits and keen instincts. Your sarcastic comments offer a sharp critique of European conventions.

The adventure of King Solomon's Mines is recently behind you and you have just turned 55. Physically, you are small, wiry, and unattractive, with a beard and short hair that sticks up. You often modestly say that your one skill is marksmanship, in which you have no equal in Africa.

You missed the entire Martian War, much to your annoyance, as to your thinking a Martian represents one of the last specimens of big game you have not yet bagged. Your interest was piqued and you returned to England to at least see the things, where the government agents attracted your interest and hired you for services as yet unspecified.

(There doesn’t have to be any more Sean Connery in this character than you want there to be!)